Terms and Conditions
i. The name of the society is The New Zealand Retreat (Auckland) Limited
ii. The organiser of the raffle is Janet Thompson, 79 Thompson Road, Warkworth 0981. If you have any queries, please contact the organiser email: janet@myrecovery.org.nz
iii. The authorised purpose for funds raised through this lottery will be used for the scholarship fund to help fund an opportunity for people who really want and need recovery from alcoholism, and cannot afford the cost to attend The Retreat NZ. Part of the funds will also go marketing the services of The Retreat NZ to families of alcoholics.
iv. The draw will take place at Trust Motors, 10 Norman Spencer Avenue, Papatoetoe, Auckland 2104 on 20 December 2023 at 1pm. Prize winners will be contacted by telephone and/or email on that same day.
v. The tickets are numbered 00001 -15000. Each ticket is allocated a uniquely numbered barcode which is administered by Flicket (https://www.flicket.io)
vi. Results will be published in the New Zealand Herald on Saturday 23 December 2023, on our websites, and social media platforms and an email will be sent to all ticket holders, notifying them of the winner.
vii. The prize is a 2023 Ford Raptor supplied by Trust Motors
viii. Each ticket sold will be to the value of $20 for one ticket, $50 for three tickets or buy nine tickets and get a tenth ticket for free. The ticket price includes GST and is transacted in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).
ix. The total number of tickets offered in the Lottery is 15,000.
x. Results will be declared by blind selection of all sold tickets (barcode numbers), under the supervision of an independent witness in accordance with Rule 6 (14) of the Gambling Act (Lottery) Game Rules 2004.
xi. In the event of a cancellation, it will be published on our website, social media, and in the New Zealand Herald on Saturday 23 December 2023. All money will be refunded. In the event there are not enough tickets sold by the closing date, the lottery end date will be extended by a further two weeks.
xii. The Lottery is conducted by Licence issued under Section 37 of the Gambling Act 2003. Licence Number
i. To contact the Department of Affairs, please phone 0800 257 887 or write to Regulatory Services, Department of Affairs PO Box 10095, Wellington.
ii. If you win a prize in this raffle, sufficient evidence of your identity and eligibility must be provided to the organiser within 3 months of being notified, so that the prize can be verified. If it is not, the prize will be forfeited and re-drawn.
iii. The winner accepts that their details and photograph may be used for publicity and/or promotional purposes.
iv. Your name and contact details will be retained to keep you informed of future offers, promotional events or fundraising activities that may be of interest to you. You may check, update or suppress your details from our records by contacting us at The New Zealand Retreat (Auckland) Limited
v. Ticket sales open on 9 October 2023 and close on 15 December 2023. The date of the draw is 20 December 2023 with the last date to claim the prize winner being 20 March 2024.